"Porcupine" by Steve is a captivating homage to the resilience and intricacy of nature's creatures. With meticulous detail and earthy hues, Steve portrays the porcupine amidst its natural habitat, embodying a sense of strength and adaptability. Set against a backdrop of rugged terrain and lush vegetation, the porcupine's quills shimmer with a sense of protection and vitality. Each brushstroke tells a story of survival and harmony, reflecting the deep reverence for wildlife in Indigenous culture.
Artwork Dimensions
50cm by 50cm
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To keep your canvas art in top shape, hang it out of direct sunlight to prevent fading. Dust gently with a soft, dry cloth—avoid water and cleaners. Maintain a stable environment to prevent warping and handle by the edges when moving. Follow these tips to ensure your art stays vibrant and beautiful.